The Datafile PD-CD 1 Issue 2
PDCD-1 - Issue 02.iso
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Small document with the ArcANSI module
Some facts:
ArcANSI is the Archimedes ANSI Escape Sequence emulator module.
ANSI escape sequences are sequences of bytes that allow for easy colour
and cursor control. All sequences start off with a 27 (ESC), hence the
term 'escape sequences'.
The ANSI 6429 standard is mostly used by BBS's to give their users nice
and colourful screens in a quick and widely supported way!
People familiar with MS-DOS surely know about ANSI.SYS... ArcANSI is just
the Archimedes equivalent of this ANSI.SYS driver!
The ANSI 6429 escape sequences:
Note that ESC must be treated as the single byte 27!
ESC[r;cH | Put cursor at position r,c (ROW,COLUMN)
ESC[r;cf | E.g. ESC[10,16H
ESC[nA | Move cursor up n lines (omitting n moves up 1 line)
| E.g. ESC[4A
ESC[nB | Move cursor down n lines (omitting n moves down 1 line)
| E.g. ESC[10B
ESC[nC | Move cursor right n columns (omitting n moves right 1 col)
| E.g. ESC[C
ESC[nD | Move cursor left n columns (omitting n moves left 1 col)
| E.g. ESC[3D
ESC[s | Store current cursor position
| E.g. ESC[s
ESC[u | Restore previously stored cursor position
| E.g. ESC[u
ESC[2J | Clear display and move cursor to home position
| E.g. ESC[2J
ESC[K | Clear current line from cursor position (inclusive)
| E.g. ESC[K
ESC[c;...;cm | Set foreground/background colours
| 0 = reset to default colours (white on black)
| offset 0 = black
| offset 1 = red
| offset 2 = green
| offset 3 = yellow
| offset 4 = blue
| offset 5 = magenta
| offset 6 = cyan
| offset 7 = white
| To set foreground colour, add 30 to colour offset
| To set background colour, add 40 to colour offset
| E.g. ESC[34;47m
Using ArcANSI:
To load the ArcANSI module, double-click on its icon in a filer, or type
'*RMLoad ArcANSI [ENTER]' at the CLI-prompt * .
When loaded, the emulator will automatically activate itself, ie. any bytes
subsequently sent to the VDU will pass through the ANSI emulator, which will
take action when necessary.
The module also provides the new *ANSI keyword:
Use '*ANSI Off [ENTER]' to turn the ANSI emulator off
'*ANSI On [ENTER]' to turn the ANSI emulator back on
'*ANSI [ENTER]' to display the ANSI emulation status
Use '*Help ANSI_Info [ENTER]' for some cryptic info on the ArcANSI module.
The module also provides a new SWI, "ANSI_Control" (&C0100):
Entry: R0 = 0, R1 = 0
Turn off the ANSI emulator
Entry: R0 = 0, R1 = 1
Turn on the ANSI emulator
Entry: R0 = 1, R1 = 0
Don't allow VDU codes to pass through the emulator
Entry: R0 = 1, R1 = 1
Allow VDU codes to pass through the emulator
If you have any comments on the ArcANSI module or would like to get some more
info on BASS, write to:
Carl Declerck, Vrijgeweidestraat 24, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium
John Tytgat, Brusselbaan 445, 1600 St.-Pieters-Leeuw, Belgium
Tune in, Turn on, Burn out...
Carl Declerck, BASS 1990
{show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.AnyKey}